Aremu Damilare

Software, backend & web Engineer

A Passionate and self-driven backend engineer with a strong background in computer science. I love coding and am proficient in Python and JavaScript. Experienced in software engineering concepts, data structures, and algorithms, I excel in designing and implementing scalable web and backend solutions. 

About Me

Behind the logic behind Code.

Passionate Development Journey and Continuous Learning
  • In the year 2013, I embarked on my coding journey, delving into JavaScript snippets under the guidance of a friend in Osun. Reflecting on the period roughly between 2007 and 2012, I first heard about Bill Gates – a captivating introduction that lingered from my primary school years. During 2010 to 2012, coding remained an unknown realm.
  • My formal initiation into coding occurred around 2013, where I built mobile websites using Java phone, Nokia Asha 200. Concurrently, I immersed myself in literature recommended by visionaries like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. This dedication persisted as I secured admission in 2015 to pursue Computer Science at the University of Abuja.


  • Throughout the years spanning 2012 to the present (2024), my journey has been characterized by continuous learning, coding endeavors, and deep dives into various technologies. I transitioned from learning code on a Java phone in 2013 to exploring advanced concepts such as Django and JavaScript on a laptop from 2016 to 2017, reaching an academic milestone at level 300.
  • In 2021, I transitioned into building professional web applications, focusing on backend development and JavaScript. The years 2022 to 2023 marked a significant phase where I delved into software engineering and computer science in-depth, augmenting theoretical knowledge with hands-on practical experience.

What Services I'm Providing

Navigating the Science of codes Landscape.

Web Development Wizardry

Crafting dynamic and responsive websites tailored to meet your business needs with cutting-edge technologies.

Backend Brilliance

Designing and implementing robust backend solutions for seamless data management, ensuring optimal performance and scalability.

Automation Alchemy

Leveraging automation technologies to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and boost productivity in your digital ecosystem.

Working Process

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Work Experience

Journey in Code. Tech Arsenal Unleashed.


My experience with Python, particularly in conjunction with the Django framework, has been transformative. Building scalable web applications with Django’s powerful features and elegant design has allowed me to deliver efficient and dynamic solutions, reinforcing my passion for backend development.

Python 86%

JavaScript is not just a language; it’s a canvas where I paint dynamic and interactive user experiences. My journey with JavaScript began in 2013, and since then, I’ve evolved with the language, contributing to the evolution of modern web applications with both frontend and backend functionalities.

Javascript 70%

Navigating the Linux environment, configuring Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and harnessing the power of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are integral aspects of my technical repertoire. This experience ensures smooth deployment, scalability, and efficient management of web applications in diverse environments.

Linux/hosting 69%
NodeJS, Asynchronous Programs

Node.js, with its asynchronous and event-driven architecture, has been a game-changer in my development journey. Leveraging its efficiency, I’ve crafted real-time applications and scalable backend systems. The non-blocking nature of Node.js aligns perfectly with my goal of delivering responsive and performant solutions.

Event driven/async architecture 70%

Databases form the backbone of applications, and my journey has seen mastery across diverse systems. Whether it’s the relational elegance of PostgreSQL, the flexibility of MongoDB in handling unstructured data, or the structured querying of SQL databases, my expertise ensures data integrity, efficiency, and seamless backend operations.

Databse 63%

Customer relationship

Client-Centric Collaboration & Remote Connectivity

Workplace connection:

In my journey as a backend engineer, I’ve not only crafted code but also forged meaningful connections with clients and customers. Understanding their needs goes beyond technical expertise; it’s about building relationships. At Lasfunding, I translated client requirements into a robust trading platform, fostering a relationship centered on trust and effective communication.

Remote Collaboration:

Navigating the realm of remote work, I’ve honed my skills in effective communication and collaboration. Whether working with clients or co-workers spread across the globe, tools like Slack and Zoom become my allies. Projects like Agroindices and Payscore demonstrate not only technical prowess but also an ability to unite virtual teams towards a common goal.

Client-Centric Approach:

A client-centric approach is at the heart of my work. From developing a full-stack inventory system at Agroindices to designing the backend for a mobile financial app at Payscore, I prioritize features that resonate with users. Understanding their perspective is key, and it reflects not just in the code but in the overall success of the projects.

My Portfolio

Digital Masterpieces.

Payscore – A NodeJS, MongoDB, Firebase app.

Webcloner – A NodeJs, PHP, VanillaJS app.

Lasfunding – Django, JavaScript.

Agroindices – PHP/Laravel, JavaScript

What My Clients Says

Client Chronicles.

Aremu isn’t just a developer; he’s a coding maestro! When I expressed my ideas for a mobile app, he didn’t just build it; he infused it with life. His love for learning and sharing knowledge shines through in every line of code. Grateful for the collaboration!

Omotayo A

Aremu is not just a coder; he’s a relentless explorer in the vast world of tech. His passion for learning is contagious, making every project an exciting journey. You can feel his dedication in every line of code!

Israel A

Aremu is more than a coder; he’s a coding maestro! His commitment to perfecting his craft is truly inspiring. What sets him apart is not just the flawless execution of projects but the joy he brings to the learning process. A true maestro in the making

Mr. Biodun

Stay In Touch

Connect, Collaborate, Innovate.

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